As You All know That We are one of The best when it comes to free browsing Cheat,here is another new airtel 4gb Imei Cheat working on Android devices with some settings and commands. Just Make Sure You
Share This Post To Encourage Us. Like I said, thisAirtel cheat when done would make you get 400mb for 1month and I advice you to get a new sim for it. Below are working imei for this cheat.
How to get Airtel Free 4gb data and Browse Free on Android, Java, of, Symbian, BB, iOs, etc. You can tweak these ones for more imei. First two people who enters this thread don't need to tweak! After that, open your messages and send "SImei" to 232 E.g S86570602961 to 232 You'll get this message.Your phone is not provisionable. Just ignore and sendJoin to 141 After that, you'll be rewarded with 4gb free data for free browsing. You can remove the SIM and use it in another phone. It equally works well on PC via tethering and Hotspot.
Thank's for reading my article
New Airtel 4gb Imei Cheat Working On Android PhonesCreated at 2016-02-20

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